Intuitive Touch Monthly Massage Membership
Regular massage will keep you aware of what is going on in your body and helps you to stay on top of those bothersome tense areas. Take advantage of this membership program and put your self-care routine on autopilot.
What is included?
​Receive a monthly session tailored to your goals, helping you connect with your body and find relief through Intuitive Touch Massage Membership. Enjoy discounted rates and easy monthly auto-renewal for a seamless checkout experience. Members will receive 300 points to redeem a second discounted massage for the month upon membership auto-renewal.
All clients should be aware of the cancellation, rebooking, and online booking polices before booking massage services with Intuitive Touch Massage Therapy LLC.
Questions on what service is right for you? Contact Us
Unsure of what type of massage is right for you? Contact for assistance.